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العودة   ملتقى مونمس ® > قسم نور المعرفة > تعلم اللغات > منتدى اللغة الإنجليزية

!~ آخـر 10 مواضيع ~!
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قديم 08-22-2011, 08:01 AM
الصورة الرمزية Hollow MasteR
Hollow MasteR Hollow MasteR غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف سابق
شكراً: 4,294,967,280
تم شكره 457 مرة في 122 مشاركة

Hollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاًHollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاًHollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاًHollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاًHollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاً

افتراضي Editional of series / -To Be Professional-lesson 1- The Tenses السلسلة التعليمية للإحتراف


The intrudaction

all of my peaces & greeting to all of muslims

how are u doing guys
i guess all of you is fine

so cool

these two weeks
the managment of english

to make a great idea to you guys

lets move to next

The idea is make-off
series of education make-off from 8 lessons

--the aim from that--
if u finish it you will be the profshional of english language
after these lesson , wht you must to do
just collect some words and save it in your mind

So the lesson today

The Tenses

its easy in same time the hardest between all of these lessons
lets begin



They Ate The launh

The rule in this tense
القانون المستخدم في هذه القاعدة

S + V2


They were eating the breakfast --- i was wearing my new thobe

The rule in this tense
القانون المستخدم في هذه القاعدة

S + were or was + verb+ing

progrresive -perfect

I had asked the wise about my dream
she already had arrived

The rule in this tense
القانون المستخدم في هذه القاعدة

S + had + V3




my aide eat that food with the president

The rule in this tense
القانون المستخدم في هذه القاعدة

S + V1


They swimming until now

The rule in this tense
القانون المستخدم في هذه القاعدة

S + V-ing

progrresive -perfect

Dates are grown in saudia arabia
Naruto is woken up from the dark of bottom ^__^

The rule in this tense
القانون المستخدم في هذه القاعدة

S + is or Are + V3


i will touch my device even my parents refuse my request

The rule in this tense
القانون المستخدم في هذه القاعدة

S + Will


i will paying the rental to the owner

The rule in this tense
القانون المستخدم في هذه القاعدة

S + Will + V-ing

progrresive -perfect

i will be attending to visit that castle from 6 p.m to 9 p.m

The rule in this tense
القانون المستخدم في هذه القاعدة

S + Will Be + V-ing

with mark the time
هذي القاعدة مع تحديد الوقت

يعني لازم تحدد الوقت كما في المثال


Irruigular Verbs
الأفعال التي تتغير تصاريفها بتغير الزمن
present - past -progrissivve
V1 --- V2 --- V3

eat - Ate - eaten

grow - grew - grown

Buy - Bought - Bought

Drive - Drove - Driven

feel - felt - felt

hit - hit - hit

pay - paid - paid

rigular Verbs
الأفعال المنتظمة وهي التي لا تتغير تصاريفها مهما اختلف زمنها وبإضافة ed
في باقي الأزمنة

V1 --- V2 --- V3
present - past -progrissive

play - played - played

achive - achived - achived

Kill - killed - killed

want - wanted - wanted

reach - reached - reached

arrive - arrived - arrived


This topic was done By thank for allah

who help me to make this idea
as u see

idea &
execution /ضوء الفجر & Mr.HollOw
Design/ KirbY

if u wana inquire about any thing please visit my
main page

So that was a first lesson
in this
educational series

To BE profissional

& we have spechal pharase

Be patient .. Be strong .... becuse the breakthrough is soon

Soo Good luck with second leeson

your best wishes

-:مواضيع أخرى تفيدك:-


التوقيع :

Thanks Kirby for the signature

رد مع اقتباس
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