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العودة   ملتقى مونمس ® > قسم نور المعرفة > تعلم اللغات > منتدى اللغة الإنجليزية

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قديم 09-15-2011, 02:48 PM
الصورة الرمزية Hollow MasteR
Hollow MasteR Hollow MasteR غير متواجد حالياً
مشرف سابق
شكراً: 4,294,967,280
تم شكره 457 مرة في 122 مشاركة

Hollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاًHollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاًHollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاًHollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاًHollow MasteR عضوية مميزة فعلاً

افتراضي Editional of series / -To Be Professional-lesson 6/ThE AnsWeRs By Yes Or No/


The intrudaction

all of my peaces & greeting to all of muslims

how are u doing guys
i guess all of you is fine

so cool

these two weeks
the managment of english
Cooperate with

to make a great idea to you guys

lets move to next Paragraph

أهلاً وسهلاً من جديد
الدرس السادس لهذه السلسلة
يتحدث عن الأسئلة التي يتوقع الإجابة بها دائماً بyes or no

The question which have probably for answers by

في البداية لازم نتذكر
ما يلي


تأخذ الضمائر
I , you , we , they





I , he ,she , it


they , we , you


I , you , they , we


he , she , it


تآخذ الجميع

am + I

are + you or we or they

is + he or she or it

نبدأ ونذكر بأن هناك 4 حالات في حالة إذا ما رغبنا بالإنضمام إليه
وهناك حالة سنآخذها بعد الإنتهاء من لاسلسلة

الحالة الأولى
did , does , do

في صيغة الماضي

he did a great job , didn,t he?

Yes he Did
No he didn,t

في صيغة المضارع

she does thinking about the price , dosen,t she?

yes she does
no , she dosen,t

you do the work for the management, dont you?

yes , i do
no , i dont

الحالة الثانية باستخدام
الwas أو were

وهذي حالة بالماضي وتعني
ألم يكن كذلك؟

he was play football , wasn,t he?

yes , he was
no , he wasn,t

they were like the fools , weren,t they?

yeah , they were
no , they weren,t

الحالة الثالثة
have و hasو had
بمعنى التملك أو الملكية للشيء

have or has
يصيغة المضارع

he has drink some water , hasn,t he?

yes he has
no , he hasn,t

you have to play volleyball , haven,t you?

yes i have
no , i haven,t

الملكية للماضي

نتذكر بأن الhad تحصل على كل الضمائر

we had to thinking about your idea , hadn,t we?

no you hadn,t
yeah , you had

is , am , are

I,m a profissional player , amn,t I?

yeah , iam
no , i am not

he is good men , isn,t he?

yes , he is
no , he is not

we,re so cool , aren,t we?

yeah you,re
no you,re not

الدرس فهم واستعياب أكثر مما هو حفظ
وأيضاً هذه أمثلة بسيطة فقط والمستخدمة في هذا الدرس


This topic was done By thank for allah

who help me to make this idea

as u see

idea & execution / Mr.HollOw
Design/ KirbY

if u wana inquire about any thing please visit my
main page

So that was a Third lesson
it was eacy to
so be carful
next lesson i will be serious with you kids
in this srieas

To BE profissional

& we have spechal pharase

Be patient .. Be strong .... becuse the breakthrough is soon

Soo Good luck with Third leeson

your best wishes

-:مواضيع أخرى تفيدك:-


التوقيع :

Thanks Kirby for the signature

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