الموضوع: Friends and Friendship
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 03-11-2012, 09:39 PM
الصورة الرمزية algnas
algnas algnas غير متواجد حالياً
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شكراً: 21
تم شكره 48 مرة في 23 مشاركة

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Llahmuh Friends and Friendship

  Having a friend is something difficult nowadays. One must be careful when he looks for a friend. A real friend is the one who is always ready to help his friends in time of need and he is always ready to give the right advice in the right time. You must always look for people who are honest, polite, and faithful. You choose the polite friend who obeys his parents and respects his teachers. A good frind should be faithful to allah, his country and his family. You have to choose the one who can work with you and keep your secrets. When he is an honest one, you can trust him. Life will be better when all people are kind and friends. They will live in peace away from wars.

-:مواضيع أخرى تفيدك:-


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