عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 01-01-2012, 10:11 AM
الصورة الرمزية Amazing Misa
Amazing Misa Amazing Misa غير متواجد حالياً
عضو متألق
شكراً: 421
تم شكره 628 مرة في 385 مشاركة

Amazing Misa عضوية لديها صيت بسيطAmazing Misa عضوية لديها صيت بسيطAmazing Misa عضوية لديها صيت بسيط

Poetry شعر رائع بللغة النجليزية بعنوان (this means war )


THIS MEANS WAR by Manal Jamal

The fight for my country
is a top priority every day
but the war has hurt my family
in every imaginable way.
My daughter is also
top priority in my life.
She has to live without a mother.
And me? Without a wife.
One day as we sat
in our house on a hill,
a bullet shot through
the window sill.
And my daughter lay
on the mat, on the floor
as a soldier kicked open
our beaten door.
They stomped through the house
without a care.
But take me away?
They wouldn't dare.
I ran to my daughter
whom I caressed,
when I noticed that a bullet
had hit her chest,
and I noticed a tear
searing down her cheek
but when I felt her pulse,
There was nothing,
not a beat.
"I'm sorry, so sorry.
I love you, my child."
I remembered the way
she used to smile
And tell me that
she loved me too.
"Maybe, my child, I'll be seeing you soon".

-:مواضيع أخرى تفيدك:-


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