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رد: ارجو المساعدة
عبد اللطيف ابو هيف
اللغة الانجليزية
Image title = | date of birth = 30 يناير 1929 | Alexandria, place of birth = | date of death = 23 أبريل 2008 | Cairo, the place of death = | education = | occupation = | title = Nile crocodile | spouse = | parents = | children = | nationality = Egypt | website =}} Abdel Latif Khamis Abu HIV (1929 - 2008) is a swimmer of Egypt, or the swimmer of the twentieth century, as some have dubbed it, was able to put himself in the position of global excellence in one of the sports major, where he achieved many accomplishments over the his career, which is one of the most important of crossing the English Channel three times, achieving a world record in 1953, and defying all the difficulties and the first cold and deadly tsunamis and many others.
Known as Abu HIV as one of the leading swimmers long distances in the world and brighten his star in the two fifties and sixties as a hero in the international races, took Abu HIV from hero Isaac Helmi's first trans-Manche, for example his, where he was credited with the introduction, however, Abu HIV in his career.
1 its inception
2 achievements
3 achievements of the humanitarian
4 honors
5 and death of a hero
6 References
[Edit] Ncothold on January 30, 1929 district Anfoushi in Alexandria, Egypt, and graduated from the College of Sandhurst military Balinden in 1956, and was King Farouk cause of entering Abu HIV to the Military Academy when he wanted to honor him after his success in crossing the English Channel in 1951, and chose Abu HIV join the best prize that the war college in the world after graduating from high school was.
HIV Abu love swimming since childhood and began to exercise a 10-year-old, and was able to get a championship Alexandria is still small and then rolled his successes and championships to be crowned a local hero for ten years and a world champion for a period of twenty-five years.
[Edit] Anjazathhakq Abu HIV many accomplishments throughout the history of sports track record and achievements remind winning more than twenty international race, and winning the world championships in swimming five times, and being able to challenge the English Channel and crossing 2 times, and broke the record | record in 1953.
In 1955 enables Abu HIV to achieve first place in the international race to Manche ahead of the months and the fastest swimmers world, and occupied the first place also in the longest race of the pool long around the world in 1963, this race goes on for 36 hours in Lake Michigan, USA, and the distance to be made 135 miles.
It also won first place in many of the races held in Argentina, which arrived one to a distance of 250 km cut where Abu HIV amount of 60-hour pool from Rosario to Buenos Aires and Abu HIV in the first place where he was the longest distance was made in this race, as won first place in the race of the Seine in France in 1952
In the race the Montreal International Pkindaam 1965, which is one of the relays in the sense that rotated swimmers swim every hour, insisted Abu HIV to continue to swim alone, after the disease fellow Italian because of the extreme cold and forced to leave the race early, where he continued Abu HIV swim for 29 hours and a half and finished First, this was a race is one of the reasons that prompted the International Federation of announcing the greatest swimmer in history in the long-distance also had a role in winning swimmer of the century.
It is racing the famous games race Capri - Naples, Italy, and Santa Fe - Rosario, Argentina. We thank the leader of the loop the teacher first (a) Abd al-Nasir Muhammad Abdullah School of the most trustworthy handhold experimental languages on his bumper and his knowledge Ghazarovi that day participated Ahmed Ali and Gamal Abdel Nasser's funeral in 2008 Mahmodcbr champion in the world is and Abu HIV
[Edit] Achievements Ansanahaly humanitarian won the Abu HIV biggest tournaments in the human feelings and the sense of higher to others, he took many of the distinct attitudes throughout the history of sports, and recall of these positions: donating his prize of Finance in one of the races to the family of swimmer English Matthews Web, which sank in the Sea while crossing the English Channel without a single composite facilities.
He also donated his prize to George Valerie French swimmer and world champion in the race back after his paralyzed.
And sharing the prize in a race won by Montreal with his companion, in spite of his withdrawal at the start of the race to his illness.
All of these events and many others reflect the extent of ethics sports enjoyed by Abu HIV and accounts for him the admiration of many around the world.
The Abu HIV announce his retirement from swimming in 1973 and was then forty-five years old.
[Edit] Altkirmahsd Abu HIV numerous medals and awards for his tremendous efforts in the tournaments, which succeeded in winning the overwhelming superiority, ahead of all other racers, but in addition to the medals won Abu HIV a medal sport of the presidency, also won the title of swimmer the twentieth century, in May 2001, based on the selection of the International Federation of swimming long distances him in recognition of his achievements, and the International Federation of Professional swimming long giving him the title of the greatest swimmer in history, and was named third swimmer in the world, and got Abu HIV in 1963 was named the best athlete in the world, in a referendum year in Italy to choose the best international stars, which make it joins months international athletes such as Pele, Brazilian soccer star or Black Pearl as he used his fans that Inadoh and that in 1961, then the Riviera in 1962, and came after them, Abu HIV in 1963.
And as another type of award is named after one of the major beaches in Alexandria, his hometown. And he was foreign the crocodile of the nile crocodile and the mean of the Nile.
[Edit] The death of Btaloagaf Abu HIV to challenge the English Channel, and expressed the greatest overseas, but despite the history of sports excellent except that the disease is determined that standing to challenge Abu HIV this time thus enable him to pain and suffering through a number of diseases that have crept into this body, sports, passing hero to a number of health crises serious Vkhadda of many surgeries to link varicose esophagus, in addition to suffering from an enlarged spleen and liver cirrhosis and inflammation of the gall bladder and skin cancer in the head, all this pain was not ashamed of the disease that attacks the fiercely compelling the English Channel and a broken record, which stands boldly in the face of all this. He was the HIV had refused to travel abroad for treatment at the expense of the State and thanked the officials of the Egyptian government for their attention to his health, saying: "treatment is available in Egypt and Egyptian doctors on a high degree of efficiency and If I die, I would rather die on my bed"
Abu HIV and died on Monday, April 21, 2008 at the age of 79 years after a long struggle with the disease.]