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قديم 12-08-2010, 07:32 PM
الصورة الرمزية ضوء الفجر
ضوء الفجر ضوء الفجر غير متواجد حالياً
مشرفة سابقة
شكراً: 2,077
تم شكره 426 مرة في 190 مشاركة

ضوء الفجر عضوية لديها صيت بسيطضوء الفجر عضوية لديها صيت بسيط

افتراضي discuss , only english


? all of you how are you

today ان شاء الله
I going to make discuss between our members here
I wondered what the topic talking about?

I chose this
we will discuss about ends of the animes

for you

what is the perfect end for the anime
if the animes end was bad
do you will watch it again or will you leave it forever ?
what is the worst end of the anime you saw?
if the hero’s died ,do you hate the anime or you say this is nothing
this is the last Episode in the anime ?
What is the end make you angry ?
if Author told you make end for naruto
what are you going to do ?

for me
the perfect end is
make solution for all problem
solution it by good way and beautiful
not like code geass and joe yabuke
really is the worst ending for the anime I saw
I hate this idea
make the hero Die
If the hero died maybe I watch that anime again
but without last episode
as I told you , the worst end it was code geass and hunter x hunter and lady oscar , there is more
this is enough now

after all this and all the anime talking about you , you die
after all this adventure , you die
After all this fatigue and Loss of time , die

this is a worst end , it is make me angry

or make some bad action
like the hero become lonely
Leaves his family and back to poor
if he was rich
and some thing Silly like this

then , if the Author asked me
I gioing to say
first ,ten ten die then naruto become hokage
and all the rest people become around him
of course saske comes back to his village
I like it be normal not be weird and silly

now , what about you
I ’m waiting you , members

the topic is full mistakes
but override it

finally ,thanks to read all this topic

-:مواضيع أخرى تفيدك:-


التوقيع :
when we will sincere .. we can built any thing

سبحان الله وبحمده .. سبحان الله العظيم

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ضوء الفجر ; 12-08-2010 الساعة 08:00 PM
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