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العودة   ملتقى مونمس ® > قسم نور المعرفة > تعلم اللغات > منتدى اللغة الإنجليزية

!~ آخـر 10 مواضيع ~!
إضغط على شارك اصدقائك او شارك اصدقائك لمشاركة اصدقائك!

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قديم 04-05-2012, 11:06 PM
الصورة الرمزية Miss CoCo
Miss CoCo Miss CoCo غير متواجد حالياً
عضو فعال
شكراً: 607
تم شكره 403 مرة في 257 مشاركة

Miss CoCo عضوية ستكون لها صيت عما قريبMiss CoCo عضوية ستكون لها صيت عما قريب

Momayz Darker than Black


peace on you frinds
I hope you all right
I,ve just finished this moments ago
I hope you like it
Have a time to hear
Have a heart to share
The story of girl ..maybe far
Or near
She ,s been told to seek
Just seek and seek
Not to cry ..not to speak
Just like war
She had to fight
There is no rose. no star in sight
Fight and fight
Who is the wrong ..
Who is the right
There is no space for going back
The future seems. darker than black
The way was hard
Tears and tears
Sadness and fears
There wasn't a trace
In that endless race
Memories was the only way
That led her to his face
Oh lord ..how could be
The only escape for her from night
The shining light ..that pure bright
Charmed eyes ..
Darker than black
Look here ..or there
Her broken wings
In every where
The life was a stair
She had to climb
The songs of fate
Weren't in rhyme
On and on
On the stair
The screams of lost

Can not be bear
The tones were pure
When he was here
No time to talk
No way back
Her hope had eyes
Darker than black
and that,s all
see ya

-:مواضيع أخرى تفيدك:-


التوقيع :

coco is here
رد مع اقتباس
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