سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته

!~ آخـر 10 مواضيع ~!
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قديم 04-26-2012, 08:52 PM
الصورة الرمزية Miss CoCo
Miss CoCo Miss CoCo غير متواجد حالياً
عضو فعال
شكراً: 607
تم شكره 403 مرة في 257 مشاركة

Miss CoCo عضوية ستكون لها صيت عما قريبMiss CoCo عضوية ستكون لها صيت عما قريب

افتراضي escape to that hole

peace on you guys
how are you
as usual
there is some thing new
I hope you like it
and the most important thing
to understand the idea in it

You told me once
That the life is a game
The chances of wining
Is not the same
And asked me there
About my dream
I didn't answer
I was a fool
I didn't think about
And now..
I forgot my heart
And I'll tell you that
My only hope
My only dream
To stay alive ..to hear your scream
Oh lord !!
For the heaven sake
In this world
How should I
Know the real ..from the fake
Lost ..lonely..sad and pain
With out cry ..or complain
I can live ..live that all
If only my fate …tell me where is that hole
Live and live
There is nothing to save
Forget the past
If you're brave
There is no one worth
To be his memory's slave
That's you're words
That’s your letters
You learned me to smile
In all matters
Now my life
taught me to ignore my needs
To complete the way
Where ever it leads
The law of living
Is to give and take
in all the ways
your heart will break
how could I know what the days hide
in my lost ..there's no guide
to tell by …a star or
a crystal ball
oh my fate ..just lead me to that hole
and that,s all
hope you enjoyed
see ya
التوقيع :

coco is here
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