عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 09-07-2011, 03:10 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3
ضوء الفجر
مشرفة سابقة


ضوء الفجر غير متواجد حالياً

ضوء الفجر عضوية لديها صيت بسيطضوء الفجر عضوية لديها صيت بسيط

شكراً: 2,077
تم شكره 426 مرة في 190 مشاركة

افتراضي رد: Editional of series / -To Be Professional-lesson 4/Perfect WAy to Make a question طريقة تكوين أسئلة مثالية

يحجز .. لي عودة

بعد العودة ..
ok ... welcome baaack
our legend
how are you .. ??
nice to see you again with a new lesson
i was waiting this level
its great
now .. what i want to keep moving to the end
the the 8 level
this is my real aim
so .. i found what i search on it
a new lesson with alot of enjoyment and benefit
soo coool

thanks alot .. ><
really i couldnt find better than this word

mmm ... lets stop here
and lets do the home work

the answers

do you want some ******s ??!

does she play with them ??!!!!
تجاوز عن معاني الجمل

have they slept in the hotel ?
has he met his parents ?

will they be waiting at the home ?

polite question
could you swim in the sea ?
Im sorry but I couldn’t found another sentence
would he traveled to paris?
خخخ ><

I hope .. my answers were true
كم اخذت .. ؟؟!!
i enjoyed
lets go
to the next level

آخر تعديل ضوء الفجر يوم 09-08-2011 في 03:52 PM.

رد مع اقتباس