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...When you
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم | السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..When you When you do a lot of things without realizing how ...dangerous they could be ...When you say a lot of words that really hurt to your mom When you try to be someone else by doing "cool" things in your ...opinion but in the real life they are embarrassing When you think you have suffered more anyone else while ...you're having a good life ...When you get angry because of anything When you have the abilities to be a successful person but ...you're just wasting your time When you got the talent to do anything in the world but ...you're too lazy to do it When you see your friends doing a terrible thing without realizing it and you believe you can make them stop but ...they won't listen to you ...When you are not interested in anything in the world :Then... !Do your best !Say sorry if it's needed !Try to be yourself !Think about other people who in need !Get a life !Have the power of Will !You gotta do it !Let them see through your eyes !This world is not that small By. Sarutobi Sasuke / Elomar Adam |
رد: ...When you
محجووز .. ايش الحركات دي ماشاء الله ^^ baack welcome bro..long time no see mmm.. you have no idea how much i enjoied thanks a lot bro after this long time ..i think this is the best for reading thank you so much unfortunately.. this section became died more than before and unfortunately .. we need some activities here >< I understand your feeing .. good job go ahead and will support you mmm dont u think .. at these time all the people transforeming a lot of nice meaning hidding or gone we became less care about each other less care about the other people and if u dont .. will be fool as they think >< sorry to feel that every one in this whole world want to live alone lazy is one from this points hope we chane to better about what u said i think most the people know that and feel it but they are not ready to change the truth .. we are good at make mistakes but not ready to correct actually.. i really like the confident and challenge even u are small in some eyes you have to be more strong to change your self first hope u understand what i ment i want to say alot of things but if i talk i willnt stop so.. thanks again bro your topic was the best حطيت النقاط على الحروف على قولهم .. ^^ do your best and allah saving you |
رد: ...When you
When you got the talent to do anything in the world but
...you're too lazy to do it i dont have talent :D hhhhhh thnk you :D i will see you son ^^ |
رد: ...When you
محجوز |
رد: ...When you
Words beautiful letters of gold Behind those lines so many wonderful meanings Thanks for Your upscale .. Thanks for higher spines |
رد: ...When you
الله يسلمكم يارب ويبعد عنكم البأس والحزن ويبعد عنكم السوء واهله ياارب منور باهله .. ولووو ^^ |
رد: ...When you
When you*see your friends doing a terrible thing without realizing it and you believe you can make them stop but* ...they won't listen to you كلام راآئع .. وله وقع في القلب .. اشكرك جزيل الشكر .. بوركت وبارك الله فيك وفي اوقاتك .. يسعدك الهي .... |
رد: ...When you
اهلا بك اختي ضوء الفجر واهلا بعودتك. نورتي المنتدى اختي. ارى ان كلامي قد اوقظ شيء فيك. ^^ كلامك جميل وله معاني كثيرة. الناس احيانا بتنسى معتقداتها واسس الحياة. ودايما تبحث عن القوة من حيث ايذاء الآخرين وجعلهم مصدر طاقة لك. شكرا مرة اخرى على الرد، نورتي الموضوع والمنتدى. وحمد لله على السلامة. تحياتي اقتباس:
منتظرك... اقتباس:
منتظرك... اقتباس:
منتظرك... اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة شذى الحور https://www.monms.com/vb/stylev2/buttons/viewpost.gif When you*see your friends doing a terrible thing without realizing it and you believe you can make them stop but* ...they won't listen to you كلام راآئع .. وله وقع في القلب .. اشكرك جزيل الشكر .. بوركت وبارك الله فيك وفي اوقاتك .. يسعدك الهي .... شكرا اختي شذى الحور على المرور والرد الجميل. اسعدني انه كلماتي البسيطة اعجبتك. تحياتي! |
رد: ...When you
ايها الاشقياء! :D كلكم عاملين حجز، كدا ما ينفع. :p منتظر ردودكم ;) |
رد: ...When you
woooooo i've never knew that you write such good advices too so awesome and good job i know i'm a little / actually so much late but i wish it's okay any way these advices are really good go on we're waiting for much more |
الساعة الآن 03:09 AM |
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