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Q } .. for the members }
https://i.imgur.com/qdsmW.jpg Ofcourse there are many things happened to us in our life and we learned alot from it ..::..the Q is ..::.. what did you learned from your life it doesn't matter if you wrote only 1 thing but also you can write every day |
رد: Q } .. for the members }
i learned that
1-that know the person before being bad to him thanx |
رد: Q } .. for the members }
Thread is distinctive and necessary to take advantage of it I learned that Of love and loves me loves me not And do not hate of Alna الترجمة^ الله الموضوع مميز ولازم ان نستفيد منه تعلمت ان احب من يحبني ومن لا يحبني وان لا اكره من يكرهني |
رد: Q } .. for the members }
I learned. That not every boy is a good person.
And Thank sis |
رد: Q } .. for the members }
welcome sis nice to see you ^^ mmm.. i think we learn something every day cause our life full of a lot of situations im not sure from what i must to say but .. maybe the most important thing is keep your way even people become bad try change to the best .. not to be worst thanks to your sharing . ... i liked your topic happy to see you here ^^ waittng your best |
رد: Q } .. for the members }
Hatred doesn't cost you anything but tired heart
رد: Q } .. for the members }
Of Lima lived hates us, and not disappointed patients lived
رد: Q } .. for the members }
The ashes of hatred passion
رد: Q } .. for the members }
||Representation is the only profession for fools||
رد: Q } .. for the members }
Self-confidence is the spirit of the tournament
الساعة الآن 04:20 PM |
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