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دليلكـ لمهارات الإتصال في اللغـة الإنجلينزيـة
يسأل الكثـير عـن كيفيـة التعبيـر عمـا يريدون باللغـة الإنجلينزيـة بـالرغـم أن بعضهـم يجيـد اللـغـة لــذا أقــدم لكــم هـذه المجموعـــة علـها تكـون مفـيدة ؛؛؛ ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS. Asking for information *طـلـب المعلـومـة* Excuse me. Could you tell me where ... is? Excuse me. Can you tell me...? Do you know...? You wouldn't know..., would you? Do you happen to know...? I'd like to know..., please. And there's another thing I'd like to know... I would be interested to know... Please could you tell me... Asking for directions *السؤال عـن الإتجاهـات* Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ... (place), please? Which way is the ... (place), please? Could you tell me where ... is, please? Do you know where ... is? Asking someone to repeat *طلب إعادة مـاقـالـه شخـص مـا* Could you say that again, please? Would you mind repeating that, please? Could you repeat that, please? I'm sorry I didn't catch that. I'm sorry, what was ... again? I'm sorry? I beg your pardon? I'm sorry, what was that? Checking that you've understood *التأكـد من أنكـ قـد فهمـت* So, I / We have to... Do you want me / us to...? Am I / Are we supposed to...? Should I...? So, the (general/basic) idea is to... Do you mean...? Does this mean that...? So am I right in saying...? So, what you're saying is... Expressing uncertainty *التعبير عن عدم اليقيـن* I'm not really sure but I think... I can't say for certain but... It's difficult to say exactly but perhaps... I couldn't say, really... I'm not sure. I don't know for sure but... Giving yourself time to think *إعطـاء نفسكـ الفـرصـة لكـي تفكـر* Well, let me see... Let me think... Let me get this right... Um, well, that's a difficult question / that's an interesting question. I'll have to / Let me think about that for a moment... I think it's difficult to answer that question... How shall I put it?... Now, how can I best say this...? Interrupting politely *مقاطـعـة الحديـث بـأدب* Could I just say something? Actually, I'd just like to say... Sorry to interrupt, but... Oh, while I remember / before I forget... Excuse me... May I interrupt? Saying you don't know *التعبير عـن عـدم التعـرف لأمـر مــا* I'm afraid I can't help you. I'm sorry, I don't know. BEING POLITE *التعبير بـأدب وهـي لهـا عـدة طـرق* Showing interest *إظهـار الإهتمـام* Uh-huh! Right! Really? That's interesting! And? What then? Oh? What happened next? Showing that you're listening *إظهـار أنكـ تستمـع بشغـف* Now, you mentioned... So, that's how...? Yes, I was going to ask you about that... Could you give me / us an example of...? Could you explain in more detail...? Thanking and responding *التعبير عـن الشكـر والإمتنـان* Many thanks. Thanks a lot. Cheers! That's very kind of you. Thank you very much Not at all. It's a pleasure. / My pleasure. You're welcome. Don't mention it. Any time. That's OK / all right. I'm glad to have been of some help . Apologising *الإعتـذار* Sorry I'm very/awfully/so/extremely sorry. Excuse me. Sorry, (it was) my fault. I do apologise. Please accept my apologies. Accepting an apology That's all right/OK. Not to worry. That's quite/perfectly all right. No reason/need to apologise. Don't worry about it TALKING ABOUT ACTIONS *التعبير عن الأفعـال* Giving instructions *إعطـاء التعليمـات* Make sure... Remember... (to do). Be careful... (not to do). Don't forget... (to do) Giving directions Go straight on. Take the first/second on the left / right. Turn left / right. Go along... as far as... Take the number 7 bus / tram. Get off (the bus / tram) at... (place). Carry on until you see... Look out for... Checking someone has understood التأكد من الشخص قد فهم ما تصبو إليه Are you with me? Did you follow that? Have you got that? Is everything clear so far? Does that seem to make sense? Accepting an invitation *قبول دعـوة* Yes, I'd love to. Yes, that would be great. Refusing an invitation I'm afraid I'm busy on... (day). How about next... (day)? I'm sorry I can't. I'm... (doing something else). I'm afraid I can't make it. I'm... (doing something else). I'd love to, but... That's very kind of you, but... Expressing a preference *التعبير عن مفاضلـة أمـرمــا I'd much rather... (do) than... (do something else). I prefer... to... I'd prefer to... (do). I think... is much more interesting than... I don't find... half as interesting as... I like... better than... Making recommendations *إعطـاء التوصيـات* You mustn't miss the... You must go to the... You've got to... (do) You'll love the... I wouldn't recommend the... You definitely wouldn't enjoy going to the... Offering something *تقديم شـيء مـا* Would you like...? What can I get you? Help yourself to... Please have some... Would you care for some...? Can I offer you...? Can I get you a... / anything? Accepting something that's offered *الموافقة على شيء تم تقديمه* Yes, please. Thank you very much. That would be very nice. I'd like some... , please. Declining something that's offered *رفض قبول شيء قـدم إليكـ* I'm all right/I'm fine, thank you. No, thanks. Not this time, thanks. I'm not sure I could, thank you. Asking for advice What do you think I should do? What would you do (if you were in my situation)? What would you advise me to do? Gi Asking for permission *طلب الإذن* Can I.../May I..., please? Do you mind if I...? Mind if I...? Any chance I could...? I wonder/I was wondering if I could... Would it be possible for me to... Do you have any objection if I...? Would it bother you if I...? Giving permission *إإعـطـاء الإذن* Of course. By all means. Certainly. Yes, that's OK/fine. You're welcome to... Please feel free to... Please don't hesitate to... Sure. OK. Go ahead. Why not? Refusing permission *رفض الإذن* I'm afraid not. I'm sorry it's not possible... I'm afraid you can't. I'm afraid that's out of the question. COMMUNICATING IDEAS *نقـل الأفكـار* "التعبير عن الـرأي" Agreeing *الموافقـة* I'd probably agree on that. I think that's probably right. That's absolutely right. Sure! That's exactly what I think. I couldn't agree with you more. That's what I think. Disagreeing *الـرفــض* Yes, but... True, but... I see what you mean, but... I suppose so, but... Yes, but on the other hand... I'm afraid I disagree / don't agree / can't agree... I'm not sure if that's strictly true. You have a point there, but... Actually, I'm not sure if I agree with that. Asking what someone thinks *إستطـلاع رأي شخـص مـا* What do you think? What do you reckon? What's your opinion about/of... ? What's your position on...? What's your reaction to...? What's your take on... ? Do you have any thoughts on... ? Stating consequences *التعبير عن تتـابـع الأحـداث* As a result, ... Consequently, ... Because of this, ... Due to (cause),... Expressing two points of view On the one hand..., on the other hand... Although I'd..., I certainly wouldn't... While I might..., I don't think I'd... Of course I'd..., but I'm not sure if I'd... There's no doubt that it would..., but there's also a chance it might... Giving examples *إعطـاء الأمثـلـة* For example, ... For instance, ... One example of this is... To give you an idea, ... Look at the case of... Take, for example, ... Let' say, ... Justifying your opinions *تبريـر الـرأي* (إعطـاء السبـب) Personally, I (don't) think... because... Let's (not)... because... In my opinion, I (don't) feel... because... I would definitely (not)... because... It would be better to... as... I (don't) feel that it's important to... as... Linking what you're saying *الربط بين ماتقـول* Anyway, ... True, but ... As a matter of fact, ... ... sort of... Hmm... ... you know... ... believe me... Ordering / Sequencing *الترتيب التتابـع* First of all, ... To start with, ... Secondly, ... Another thing is that... Alternatively, ... Last but not least, ... Persuading *الإقنـاع* But don't you agree that... Yes, but I'm sure you'd agree that... Don't you think that... Presenting an opinion Personally, I think that... It seems to me that... From my point of view, ... In my opinion, ... Prioritising *ترتيب الأولـويـات* ... would be much more important than... I don't think... would be nearly as important / urgent as... ... will definitely be the most / least ... Summarising *التلخـيـص* [left]So what it comes down to is... The point I'm trying to make is... Let me just recap what's been said so far. In short, ... To sum up, ... Basically, ... Overall, it would seem that... |
رد: دليلكـ لمهارات الإتصال في اللغـة الإنجلينزيـة
سلمت يداكـ
رد: دليلكـ لمهارات الإتصال في اللغـة الإنجلينزيـة
مممم .. صحيح اللباقة مهمة ^^ نحتاج الى موضوع كهذا قد تحتاج لان تكون لبقا .. لكي يحترمك من هم حولك موضوع قيم بالفعل اشكرك اخي على طرحه استفدت كثيرا من الموضوع امل ان يفيد غيري منه شكر + تقييم سلمت اناملك |
رد: دليلكـ لمهارات الإتصال في اللغـة الإنجلينزيـة
مشكـور علـى الموضـوع المفيــد., |
رد: دليلكـ لمهارات الإتصال في اللغـة الإنجلينزيـة
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رد: دليلكـ لمهارات الإتصال في اللغـة الإنجلينزيـة
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