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ضوء الفجر 12-25-2010 02:21 AM

ask the next member
start with name of allah


Without introductions
today guys I want to make this for you
I wll ask you a question >> any question

for example

what is the favorite thing for you in monms forum ?
I like the good members here


let’s start

what you like to eat?
what is your favorite food ?


now the next member must answer on this and put another question for the member who after him
finally : thanks for reading

but : just in english
good luck

PRINCE LIVE 12-26-2010 10:53 AM

رد: ask the next member
مشكوووووورة يا أخيتـــ ضوء الفجر ..
على ما قدمته لنـــا ..
ويعطيكــ ألف ــعافية
وتستاهلي التقيــم وخمسة نجومــ
وباركــ الله على جهودكــ
ودمتــ بووووود

MR.NASSER 12-26-2010 01:14 PM

رد: ask the next member
i like big testy in mak
what the thing you love him more anther ?

والله مدري كتابتي صح ولا بس وربي بدون لاافتح الوافي او اي برنامج

وان شاء الله تكون صح

هكروك ياقلبي 12-26-2010 01:50 PM

رد: ask the next member

i like big testy in mak
what the thing you love him more anther ?
i don't understand nothing. please try to explain more
for me i like pizza very much

who is the favorite member for you

اممم اللغة الانجلزية صعبة ارجو ان تكون عناك لعبة باللغة الفرنسية فهي اسهل

ضوء الفجر 12-27-2010 07:03 PM

رد: ask the next member
اهلا بالجميع

prince live
اسعدني مرورك وردك هنا
جزاك الله خيرا
واشكرك على التقييم
دمت بخير



i like big testy in mak

what the thing you love him more anther ?

والله مدري كتابتي صح ولا بس وربي بدون لاافتح الوافي او اي برنامج

وان شاء الله تكون صح

اذا كنت تقصد الشخصية الجدية فانا لا افضلها كثيرا ...
اكثر شخصية تفضلها المتزنة اكثر
شكرا لمرورك

جنون ... اهلين قلبووو
me too
I like pizza


who is the favorite member for you

from girl I like
anfaas . sakura ha and you
and there is more >>>>

thank you again

what you like in anime naruto?

MR.NASSER 12-27-2010 10:23 PM

رد: ask the next member
معقوله ولا كلمه لي صح

ام التحطيم

ضوء الفجر 12-29-2010 07:51 PM

رد: ask the next member
اهلا اخي nassar
مممم testy معناها قاسي او حاد الطباع
الجملة الثانية صحيحة ^_^
اما الجملة الاولى >_<
اسعدني حقا انك قمت بكتابتها دون اللجوء الى الوافي.....
حقا شيء جميل

انتظر ردك

Mr- Anas 02-18-2011 09:45 PM

رد: ask the next member
فعلا أنت مبدعة ..
موضوعك وطرحك رااائعة و مميزة ومفيدة ..
تسلمي يا بطلة ..
الله يعطيك ألف عافية ..
وتستاهلي التقيم وخمسة نجوم
وبارك الله في مجهودك ..
وأتمنى التفاعل الأكثر والأفضل ..
وتحياتي لك

هاوي حنانكـ 02-19-2011 09:15 PM

رد: ask the next member
what is your favorite food ?

I like all kind of food

I have one question for you ^^

when your start study english

thankes for topic

لمسة شقاوة 02-20-2011 10:44 AM

رد: ask the next member
صراحة مدري وش السالفة >>> يعني بالتبسيط داخلة عرض

بس يسلمو عالموضوع وان شاء الله يفيد غيري

pirate king 04-14-2011 04:37 AM

رد: ask the next member
وموضوع مفيد
وكـل شي منكـ مفيد
تــســلـــميــ إخــتـــي

xiTriiCkZz 04-14-2011 06:12 AM

رد: ask the next member
i guess my favorite food is pizza .. of course without onion ..

Hollow MasteR 04-15-2011 01:26 AM

رد: ask the next member

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة xiTriiCkZz (المشاركة 192190)
i guess my favorite food is pizza .. of course without onion ..

which kind of pizza you like it??

is it margreta
or peroni or ,,,,

which resturant you select it always to eat pizza?

ضوء الفجر 04-15-2011 10:12 PM

رد: ask the next member
this is old topic

Hollow MasteR 04-20-2011 03:46 PM

رد: ask the next member
noo we can complete our disscuse here

ضوء الفجر 04-21-2011 12:53 PM

رد: ask the next member
as you want guys

pizza resturant ... mmm
I dont know ... maybe our pizza in the home
الصنع اليدوي .... ^_^

did you read any story ??? you like it
if the answer yes .... send the link to me
nea hahaha

Hollow MasteR 05-01-2011 09:18 AM

رد: ask the next member

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ضوء الفجر (المشاركة 200263)

as you want guys

pizza resturant ... mmm
I dont know ... maybe our pizza in the home
الصنع اليدوي .... ^_^

did you read any story ??? you like it
if the answer yes .... send the link to me
nea hahaha


you mean atraditional pizza

i dont like it
but dont tell my mom guys

ضوء الفجر 05-02-2011 06:50 PM

رد: ask the next member
Ha ha
ما اضمن اك ... ^_^
hollow’s mom .... did you heared that
your son dont like your pizza ...
new information about you ^_^

waht about story ....
do you have any one ....you liked it

Hollow MasteR 05-04-2011 08:45 PM

رد: ask the next member
its defrrent
you men novel or story
if you men story i dont read it becust it finsh of quickly
but on oppiste novels
harrypotter , gathacryste


wht bout you

ضوء الفجر 05-04-2011 11:46 PM

رد: ask the next member
I read sheckspear novel
nearly all of them
and agath keresti her novel name
mmm.. الموت المقنع

it was sooo intresting
tell us about your skills

Hollow MasteR 05-05-2011 03:39 PM

رد: ask the next member

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ضوء الفجر (المشاركة 221959)
I read sheckspear novel

nearly all of them
and agath keresti her novel name
mmm.. الموت المقنع

it was sooo intresting

tell us about your skills

if i have anytime to read it iwill download it

ضوء الفجر 05-05-2011 10:39 PM

رد: ask the next member
I advise you to read it

kossovi 05-14-2011 08:30 PM

رد: ask the next member
peace be upon you ...first i wanna correct the sentence what the thing you love him more anther
generally ur sentence is good but u can't say him but u should say it ...him for persons it for objects and things
the answer about ur question
the only thing that i like right now it's to be here in this forum with those shining members
my question is ; what u gonna do if ur ever best friend let u down
tace care see you ........... ...

ضوء الفجر 05-19-2011 05:26 PM

رد: ask the next member
thanks ...
i think i will die

khaled s 06-22-2011 05:55 AM

رد: ask the next member
that means he is not my best friend


what is your favorit color

tell us if there is a reason


شمس الرسالة 06-26-2011 03:15 AM

رد: ask the next member
Red .. The color of blood and death
hahahaha << baaakaaa
No questions
Good luck

miranda cosgrove 06-26-2011 12:38 PM

رد: ask the next member
thanks for you topic
the calor i love is pink

kossovi 06-29-2011 11:39 PM

رد: ask the next member
ok my friends ...we will talk seriously ...this question is for all of you

do u think ur self interest or important for the others ?

Elomar 06-29-2011 11:51 PM

رد: ask the next member
yes i think.
my next Q is for all of you:

What r u going to do if you’re very very sad and in the same time you pretend to be happy?
And the others think that you’re stupid and without feelings?
Can we call that person "a stupid man without feelings", or a very strong man?

waiting for the answers...

kossovi 06-30-2011 08:48 PM

رد: ask the next member
wow great question..............well for me there are situations when u have to pretend that you r happy even you r so sad ....because maybe showing your sadness in this situation will just trouble the presence .....and takes from them their happiness and fun.....of course this person is the noblest person for me

Elomar 06-30-2011 09:16 PM

رد: ask the next member

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة kossovi (المشاركة 301033)
wow great question..............well for me there are situations when u have to pretend that you r happy even you r so sad ....because maybe showing your sadness in this situation will just trouble the presence .....and takes from them their happiness and fun.....of course this person is the noblest person for me

It seems to me that you didn't get my Q right.
You are ABSOLUTELY right about what you said, but I’m asking:
That person didn't & doesn't show his sadness to the people; whatever was the situation,
even when his father died, he didn't show any thing to the others, and he stayed laughing to make the others happy!
But the others think that this person is a fool without feelings.
So what are you going to do if you're in his situation?

waiting for your answer

kossovi 07-04-2011 03:49 AM

رد: ask the next member
ok brother if i am in his place i can't control my self and and pretend all the time that i am happy ....it's so hard to do it ...of course this man ...i so generous and noble to do a such thing like that....i hope i get u this time

ABU.3SKOOR 07-05-2011 09:33 AM

رد: ask the next member
now I will give you a question because I thought all the questions have finished>>>
And the person who will be after me should answer and give us another question<<
the question say.............
????How is the English language with you

Elomar 07-12-2011 12:25 AM

رد: ask the next member

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة kossovi (المشاركة 305941)
ok brother if i am in his place i can't control my self and and pretend all the time that i am happy ....it's so hard to do it ...of course this man ...i so generous and noble to do a such thing like that....i hope i get u this time

Well, the point from you're answer is you don't know & you can't do this.
OK, for Orochimaru's q:
My English language is really good.
My new q is:
What are you going to do if you're best friend that you can give hem your life, hit you in your back?
waiting for the answers...
see ya

الساعة الآن 04:41 PM

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